We hired Emma & Elvis to eat slugs in our garden. But since they discovered the pond they seem to be on strike… #indianrunnerducks

@manton Curious how your definition of a microblog post (http://www.manton.org/2014/09/defining-a-microblog-post.html) relates to HTML posts. Is HTML allowed? What tags? How many?

For Web Subscriber 5.1 I want to feature microblogging (not Micro.blog per se). Thinking about adding it as a smart stream in the „Discover” section.

Is anyone using and recommending mobile app analytics tools with good privacy (preferrably open, i.e. not Google Analytics)? Piwik? Count.ly? OWA?

Is anyone using and recommending mobile app analytics tools with good privacy (preferrably open, i.e. not Google Analytics)? Piwik? Count.ly? OWA?

‚Wenn wir nur noch das zu lesen und sehen bekommen, was der Markt finan­ziert, sind wir als Leser kein Gegenüber mehr, sondern nur noch Konsumenten‘ [Gefährliche Nebelpetarden](http://geschichtedergegenwart.ch/gefaehrliche-nebelpetarden-die-nobillag-initiative-ist-ein-symptom/)